Dear Veteran Teacher…
Dear Veteran Teacher,
The calendar has rolled over again. How many of these do you have left? 3? 5? 10? How can you keep going? What can you offer to these students? Why should they listen to you - you don’t look like the YouTuber they so feverishly follow? You are old… You can’t know what the real world is like. What can you do? This place no longer respects you. They just ask you to give and give and give…. You have no more to give and it doesn’t matter.
But you matter… You matter to every student that walks in that door. You stand between them and the rest of their life. Your experience puts you in a better position to know what to share and what to censor. Your gift is your longevity. When all of the others around you fell off due to the stress and strain of being a teacher, you stood strong. You continued to push. Why? Was it your family? Was it paying for your kids to go to college? Was it fear? You aren’t really sure but it doesn’t matter because that new crop of fresh faces that are about to walk into your classroom for the first time or the “last first time” need you.
… and you need them. You need their youthfulness in your life. You need their passion and excitement - no matter how confusing it is and how much it makes you need more coffee or other mood altering elements. You need them.
The new teacher down the hall or across town needs you. They need your help navigating the ever growing and changing list of acronyms… the secretary that doesn’t like them because they look like a kid they taught 23 years ago… the principal that hired a video teacher not really knowing what they wanted in a video teacher…. Or any teacher for that matter.
While a guilt trip would be easy, this isn’t that. This is an affirmation that every minute you are in the classroom, you are special. You are needed. And… despite what the media–social or otherwise says–you are a blessing and should be valued far more than you are. Like the farmer, you are planting seeds and unlike the farmer your seeds take much longer to germinate and make fruit but the fruits of your field are far more impactful. Your fruit is often life changing and while your students won’t all share your passion or their passion for you- it’s there.
You may be the only reason a student comes to school or a colleague continues to grow their passion for education.
Veteran teacher - you are loved!
Forever in awe of you,
Adam, Josh, and Tom
A new year is often seen as a time to start new things - diets, workout plans, etc. I think sometimes it’s just as important to stop doing things. Especially if they are negatively impacting you or your classroom. Here are the top 5 things I believe you should stop doing in 2025 to keep your sanity, engage more students, and grow your program.