It is Time for a Change: How classroom layout impacts relationships
After a few years of running his class with a computer lab layout, Josh realized there was a problem. He had lost his connection with his students. In this article, we hear from Josh abut his rationale for mixing it up going into next year.
Failing To Succeed
This picture (John Paul Jones, Dave Grohl, and me) popped up in my memories today and set me back. This was the day I knew something had to change - 2/11/2010.
Long story short: I didn’t set up my own gear and got burned. The radio station had done a promotion for two weeks where listeners were able to ask these titans of rock music any question. It was a big deal. We had a real film crew with real lights and cameras for an interview. I was in charge of audio and cutting the BS and excuses- the audio wasn’t usable so the whole promotion was ruined. And it was my fault.
Slack: A Communication Game-Changer
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern communication, there lies a gem that has completely transformed the way a video production teacher manages their program: enter Slack. Far from being just another app, Slack offers the perfect blend of organization, collaboration, and efficiency that has revolutionized the classroom experience. In this article, we delve into how Slack has become an indispensable tool for video production companies and classrooms alike, as well as the innovative features it offers, including seamless integration with popular email platforms like Outlook and Gmail. Join us as we explore the world of Slack and discover how it has taken classroom communication and collaboration to new heights.