Lights, camera, safety!
Keeping your class, cast, and crew safe are your utmost priority. This article has some common sense advice for staying safe in your video and film production classroom.
When the Gamble Pays Off: Why Teachers Need to Attend NAB
Josh was able to attend NAB this year, for the first time, and in this article, he tells you why you should plan on going next year.
It is Time for a Change: How classroom layout impacts relationships
After a few years of running his class with a computer lab layout, Josh realized there was a problem. He had lost his connection with his students. In this article, we hear from Josh abut his rationale for mixing it up going into next year.
Portfolios: What They Are and Why Students Need Them
I have to face facts… the world is moving and I am getting left behind. I did not learn how to create for a vertical world. But now, more than ever, our students need to be creating for the consumer who knows only tall skinny video. That applies to everything, especially their portfolios. This article talks about the importance of creating a good reel and making it relevant in a doom-scrolling society.