News Judgement and Reporting
As you move out into the journalistic world, you will hear it said of some reporters, producers and editors that they have "good news judgment." But what is that? How can the New York Post or Fox News trumpet stories that The New York Times or other network newscasts will not even mention?

Ethical Considerations in Good Journalism
The pillars of journalism (accuracy, fairness, and objectivity) are among the major ethical considerations for those who work in the news industry. Additionally, there are ongoing debates over bias, objectivity, favoritism, and a number of other ethical issues.

Crash Course for Mixing Sound - Part 1
There are two indisputable rules to follow when mixing sound. When these rules are followed, you are guaranteed to have a mix that will seem flawless to your audience and keep them focused on the story rather than the technical aspects of the production. If your mix strays from these rules, stop what you are doing and start over again!

Floor Director Hand Signals
Hand Cues or Hand Signals given by the Floor Manager, are the standard method of cueing to start or stop. Make sure that your signals can be seen by the talent and are understood. If necessary, explain the basic cues to them before the broadcast. Do not assume they know what you are doing-especially with inexperienced talent.

Writing Scripts for Broadcast News
With current demands placed on broadcast instructors and the limited time available for you to prepare your students, the best way to ensure a well-established news gathering and production process is to implement a Newsroom Computer System (NRCS). In fact, an NRCS is the only choice of serious and competitive broadcast programs because these productions require a uniquely efficient, effective and structured workflow that cannot be well performed by unconnected tools.

Writing Compelling Leads for Broadcast News
While there are few "perfect" leads, some are better than most. As you pursue a career in journalism, you'll encounter those leads that are memorable, those leads that are acceptable, and those that are simply not very good. And because all news stories are different from one another, you'll also learn that different methods can solve the challenges in writing good leads.

Lesson Plan - Interviewing
In this mini-lesson, your students will work on their interviewing skills, and possibly move away from the question and answer interrogation, to a conversation in which their character tells stories from which great soundbites are born.

Interviewing Tactics and Techniques
Drawing people out - getting them to speak from the heart - is one of the journalist's most challenging tasks. Interviewing is both an art and a science. Good interviewers get better material because they are able to put the people they interview at ease, establish a rapport, and win their trust.

Teleprompter Operation Techniques
Basic teleprompter operation is a mission critical part of your student newscast and other video productions. Your teleprompter operator should thoroughly practice running the teleprompter software, should communicate with on-camera talent and thoroughly practice running the software with their on-camera talent prior to the production.

When is it Legal to Film People Without Their Permission?
The First Amendment is very protective of the rights of filmmakers, documentarians, and news crews. However, several areas can and do trip up unsuspecting filmmakers.

How to Anchor Like a Pro - Part 3
Over the last two articles, I have talked about becoming a successful television anchor or reporter. The best in the business don’t become a success overnight. They spend years toiling away in small markets, working long hours, making very little money. Students with stars in their eyes are always surprised to hear this, and seem to genuinely appreciate the “real scoop.”

How to Anchor Like a Pro - Part 2
The best anchors in this country do not waltz onto the set and read their scripts cold; they have spent time writing, re-writing and practicing their scripts. Here are a few tips on how to make sure you read like a pro when you deliver the news.

How to Anchor Like a Pro - Part 1
There are many practical tips you can teach your students that they can implement right now to become better newscasters immediately at their schools. Over a series of articles, I will outline as many as possible, so you can share these tools with your aspiring broadcast journalists.