Music Copyright 101: A Filmmaker's Guide To Find And License Songs For Projects
Filmmaking and content creation aren’t just about recording video — they’re about creating an experience for viewers. And part of that experience is the audio. From sound effects to background music, every sound element in a video contributes to how the audience will react to the final video.

Three Steps To Starting Your School’s Radio Station
School radio creates one of the most interesting communities a student can find around campus. From the cool parties, music appreciation, and development of soft-skills, to the excitement and thrills that come with live air production, the radio is a very important outlet for students.

Piracy Proofing Your School
In this article, we will look at ways to piracy proof your school or organization in order to reduce liability, and eliminate lawsuits and out-of-court settlements, while improving media literacy and digital citizenship. Piracy is the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted, trademarked, or patented material. This includes copying, selling, or using media that has not been properly licensed or purchased.

Can Our Play or Musical Be Recorded?
There are play and musical production licensing companies which amateurs (schools) must deal with to get performance rights for all material not in public domain. Shakespeare is definitely in public domain. Five of the largest of those licensing companies are listed below with a copy of the actual contract clause which applies to video recording. Nearly every major play and musical you’ve ever heard of is handled by one of these five companies.

Code of Best Practices for Copyright
Now that we live in a digital universe, we can no longer draw the line between copyright holders vs. educators, since we are ALL creators of digital content; therefore, we are copyright holders. This also means that now more than ever, a mutual respect for one another’s property and the proper use of it to teach, engage and enhance is of utmost importance.

How to Copyright Your Works
More than likely you or your students may create a project in the near future for which you would wish to receive rightful compensation and the ability to prevent someone else from capitalizing on your idea. Here’s how to copyright your works so nobody can take credit for them.

Talent Releases
A talent release is a document which gives permission for the video producers to photograph the talent and/or to use audio of that person’s voice. There are many talent release forms available by conducting a search on the internet for “talent release.”

How Does YouTube Get Away with Posting Copyrighted Material?
I hear that question from students and teachers quite often. It’s actually a pretty simple answer. They don’t – at least not really. Here’s the way it works, if Mike uploads something that contains copyrighted material, it is placed on YouTube’s site. It is entirely possible that the copyright holders may never know Mike posted anything. YouTube is a pretty big site.

WARNING: Your Video Contains Copyrighted Material
I was prompted to write this article because school administrators kept mentioning to me they had been cited for having school related videos on YouTube that contained copyrighted music. In some cases, they were asked to remove the video or pay fines despite the fact that YouTube had allowed the video to remain published in certain countries. This came after the uploaded video was flagged as containing a copyright notice.

Copyright Permissions and LipDubs
The probability of even a private citizen being sued for copyright infringement increases all the time. The recent fury over unauthorized copying of music files is the latest instance of copyright holders using the Copyright Act to enforce their rights.

Social Butterflies: The Use and Misuse of Social Networks
When creating videos, podcasts and other media projects in which you have incorporated the copyrighted works of others, be sure not to let deadlines drive you to make decisions that will be costly. Once the work is published or released – it’s out there, and taking it back may be difficult or impossible.

Illegal Sharing of Music Files - Who's Getting Sued and Why?
By definition, file sharing is the distribution or provision of digitally stored information, such as computer programs, media, documents, or electronic books and can be implemented in a variety of distribution, transmission and storage models. To complicate the situation, companies such as Limewire and Kazaa are not illegal, but the fact that copyrighted materials are being exchanged does in fact make the process illegal.

How to Get Media Permissions for Your Videos and Other Media
Media permissions are a very important part of the modern, digital age in which we live, and are an integral part of digital citizenship as creators of works that applies to us all. Following it as a procedure will not only protect your network, but will also prepare students in their careers. This applies whether you are seeking media permissions of someone else or granting permissions for your own image, brand or works to be used in a media format.

General Copyright Questions
In general, any original work of authorship may be protected by copyright. Copyrighted materials may be subject to claims of copyright infringement. The most common reason we take down videos for copyright infringement is that they are unauthorized copies of copyrighted content, and the owners of the copyrighted content have alerted us that their content is being used without their permission.

Piracy in Education
Illegally copying and distributing music CD’s or selling bootlegged DVD’s are no different than students using Limewire to share music files or teachers publishing free resources online that are licensed commodities of companies or publishers. It is important to bring awareness to this topic of piracy in education so that other teachers, students, parents and administrators can prevent piracy in their organizations.

How Do I Get Music Copyright Permission?
If the video you are creating is not to be shown anywhere other than in your own school classroom as part of a class project, you may use the music if your teacher approves. However, if the video will be played outside of your classroom, you must obtain “copyright licenses” for the program.

Copyright Issues When Using Music in Videos
Regardless of the possibility of “getting away with it,” it is our responsibility to teach students legal and ethical practices when using technology in this digital age. And, as students begin to create their own works, they will understand the importance of ownership and copyright laws, especially as they seek credit and payment for their own creations.

When is it Legal to Film People Without Their Permission?
The First Amendment is very protective of the rights of filmmakers, documentarians, and news crews. However, several areas can and do trip up unsuspecting filmmakers.

6 of the Biggest Myths About Copyright, Music, and Video
You're well aware of the biggest concerns regarding copyright, music, and video, let's take a look at some of the biggest myths surrounding the topic. This should clear up any questions you may have, or give you the extra knowledge you need as a video creator, or marketer.