Writing Scripts for Broadcast News

We get many questions regarding the creation of news broadcast scripts and the use of teleprompters. We asked Matt Peschau of EZ News to give us his input.

Question: What is the preferred newscast script writing method for my teleprompter?

Answer: Write each sentence in the form of a paragraph.

To do this, simply Tab in at the beginning of each sentence and press the Enter key at the end. Following this simple procedure will make reading from the teleprompter a much easier task for your on-camera talent including student anchors, student reporters and others.

In fact, this rule is also applicable to newscast production and all script writing that is to appear in a teleprompter. With current demands placed on broadcast instructors and the limited time available for you to prepare your students, the best way to ensure a well established news gathering and production process is to implement a Newsroom Computer System (NRCS). In fact, an NRCS is the only choice of serious and competitive broadcast programs because these productions require a uniquely efficient, effective and structured workflow that cannot be well performed by unconnected tools.

For educators, an NRCS must be both easy to learn and easy to use for the average student because, in a relatively small amount of time, all members of your news team and production crew must be ready to fulfill their rolls and cooperate to produce a well executed and informative program. The NRCS must be able to run on standard and readily available “off the shelf” computers, which in most cases, are already available and in place at your school. Finally, the NRCS must be flexible enough for use in both studio production and in-class instruction.

For productions, an NRCS must properly facilitate all of the basic integrated newscast planning and production functions including story assignments, script writing/approval/printing, rundown building, show and segment timing, producing, directing, teleprompting and complete show archiving as well as optional interfaces with common production devices such as broadcast quality character generator (CG) solutions.

In the classroom, the NRCS must allows instructors to teach and students to practice specific broadcast news skills such as news writing, show building and other required production skills in an open environment.

Your school’s newscast production is an exciting event that requires coordinated planning, preparation and execution. If you plan to have a great school newscast, follow the example of a number of excellent high school broadcast programs around the country that use the EZNews Newsroom System for their newscasts and other shows.

To inquire about EZNews for your newscasts and other show productions, we encourage you to visit the EZNews website, call them toll free at (888) 326-1415 or visit with an EZNews representative in person at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference next month in Columbus, Ohio. They can answer your questions, provide you with an EZNews quote specific to your school’s requirements and even schedule an individual EZNews demonstration for you at your school.

Meet the Author, Matt Peschau

An acknowledged expert in newsroom systems, Matt Peschau facilitates worldwide sales, marketing, training and support efforts for Ross Video’s broadcast news planning and production software applications including Inception, EZNews, EZPrompt and EZCaption.


Floor Director Hand Signals


Writing Compelling Leads for Broadcast News