The World’s Most Riggable Camera is HERE!!
The “World’s Most Riggable Full Frame Camera” has arrived!!! I know you were waiting on it! It’s finally here!! I have to admit, I wasn’t sure where to start when Blackmagic Design backed up the new product truck for NAB and unloaded them all in an over 2 hour broadcast but I figured the “World’s Most Riggable Full Frame Camera” would be a good place to start for a lot of reasons not the least of which is the fact that it’s the most riggable camera in the world… The Blackmagic Design Pyxis is a 6k camera that comes ready for the world.

Don’t Be That Teacher: Extra Credit Doesn’t Exist…
As the teacher that I hope you are, you have poured everything into trying to get everything right and tried to improve every day. You have worked through plans, created engaging assignments, and pushed yourself and your students to be the best possible. Only to be told that you didn’t do enough for that student to reach their goal, no matter if that goal is to pass or for an A. It’s all your fault because your 95% effort wasn’t enough to get them over the 45% effort.

The Blackmagic Camera App Should Change Your Classroom
On September 14th, Grant Petty and his Mary Poppins desk gave the IBC 2023 Update. There are two times each year that you can be guaranteed that Blacmagic will announce new products and this year was no different. But this one is different! There were several things announced including new cameras and other tools but this announcement should change the way you teach students how to use cameras.

BACK TO BASICS: Pacing your broadcast news programs
Tom shares a couple of pacing guides and a rubric to be used in the broadcast news classroom. Detailing the intricacies of managing a well run broadcast program, Tom shares his thoughts and processes that help build a successful program.

Shoutout To Cellphones!
Tom discusses the benefits of cell phones in the classroom and how you can manage your classroom so that phones aren’t a curse. Sharing details on workflows for news and film production, Tom also gives you a project that could be easily done on phones.

Teaching To The Test Pattern EP 124: Ask The Engineer #1
Video production educators have a lot of manage and often the thoughts and understanding of engineering get left behind. In this new series, Tom talks with Faraz Ahmed from Amitrace about several engineering concerns that educators may face in their classroom and in the field.

The Most Needed Training series of the year: Newtek Live Story creator
Newtek released a training course for the Live Story Creator tool in the Tricaster and this is by far the most needed training series of the year.

What is NDI and How You Can Use It.
Learn about how NDI can be used in your workflow to build a better broadcast.

BlackMagic ATEM Mini Extreme: One Device To Do It All
I have done product reviews for several years and usually I spend the time allotted with the equipment, use it all I can, then move on. There are very few products that I have reviewed that for all intents and purposes haunted me. I could either afford them or not and that would determine my next step with them.

EditMentor: The Hands-On Way to Teach Video Editing
EditMentor is a web-based program that allows you to walk your students through the production process via an interface that is simple to use and editing software agnostic.

Blackmagic Design: ATEM Mini Extreme Review
The Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme… I don’t even know where to start with it. I really do feel a sense of separation since I packed it up to send back to Blackmagic Design. I got to test the new device for two weeks and due to rain and other cancellations, I was only able to use it for two live broadcasts but I was in love well before that!

Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme Unboxing
The ATEM Mini Extreme is Blackmagic Design’s most advanced 1 M/E switcher that features 8 inputs, 4 ATEM Advanced Chroma Keyers, a total of 6 independent DVEs, 2 media players, 2 downstream keyers, 16 way multiview, 2 USB connections, and multiple HDMI aux outputs. Also released is the ATEM Mini Extreme ISO model which includes everything in the Extreme plus a more powerful recording engine that can record all 8 inputs plus the program for a total of 9 streams of recording. Our very own Tom White received the Atem Mini Extreme from Blackmagic Design and couldn’t be more excited to share with you his unboxing experience and initial reactions.

How Video Teachers Define Industry Standard Equipment
The following message is a call to arms for video production educators throughout the world. It may be a wake-up call for some. It may be a shot in the arm for others. It may upset some yet put some at ease. The following message is to be used as the surfboard to help you crest the wave of 2021 and beyond because frankly —nothing will ever be the same for you.

How To Teach a Successful Video Production Class
Each year, I work on creating a pacing guide for my courses. It’s my one-stop-shop for what I think we need to cover and when we should cover it. The biggest key to setting up the pacing for my courses is that I am 100% flexible in my expectations. In recent talks about the pacing of his animation course, Jamie Chuven at John’s Creek HS in Atlanta put it perfectly “students take 6 weeks on something that should take 3.” That’s the hardest part, trying to figure out/remember how long it takes students to receive the lesson, comprehend the lesson, and build the product to an acceptable level.

Streaming is Now a Felony
Sunday, Congress passed the newest stimulus package and I’ll admit my understanding of politics isn’t much than being a bill on capitol hill and the research I do about 2 weeks before I vote. I do know that with every “package” there are things you don’t want… unless it’s bubble wrap.

The Tech That Makes Remote Student Newscasts Possible
That’s where I found my greatest use of Loom. The students could record themselves reading a script, send me a link, and I could pull them together for a show. Since Loom is a web-based app, the students only have to send the link.

ATEM Mini Pro is the Best Intro Switcher for Educators
The ATEM Mini Pro is as close to plug-n-play as you can get. It has two buttons to get the video content you create out of the switcher. The ATEM Mini Pro is the first hardware switcher that I know of that has both recording and streaming capabilities built into the unit. This device is earthshaking and anyone who live streams is scrambling to get their hands on one.

How To Make Hands-On Professional Development Virtual
Camp T&I (Trade and Industry) is a three and half day family reunion shrouded in professional development. It’s been 10 years since I first attended Camp T&I. It was the back corner of a community college in Savannah, Georgia. There were a dozen or so teachers from around the state struggling to get internet access but sharing all they had with each other. I was immediately in love with this idea of a true, teacher-lead professional development.

The Most Powerful HD Webcam
This camera is SO much more than a simple webcam. The power of the HuddleCamHD Pro lies in the power of the ePTZ tools built into the camera. With the supplied remote, you can control the position and zoom of the camera output to make certain that you look great no matter what you want to show.

Sports Will Be Back Soon. Will You Be Ready?
The SportsCaster is a “one stop shop” for everything audio during a live event. It’s a 6-channel audio mixer with a built-in intercom system. In one rack unit, you can mix three on-air announcers who are using their Sports Pods, add sideline reports with the “field” input, plus ambient mics with the two “aux” inputs. Now, you have a fully built, well-rounded broadcast.