Newsroom Tools To Bring Your Program to the Industry Standard.
production Tom White production Tom White

Newsroom Tools To Bring Your Program to the Industry Standard.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I didn’t know why I wanted to teach so bad. I didn’t know what made me want to learn all I could about the industry and stay ahead of the curve as best I could within the constraints of the classroom… but I learned that day. I sat there with one of my assistant principals and a county level employee and in no uncertain terms told the county IT person that I didn’t care about what made him comfortable (the discussion was my students needing the ability to use their personal google accounts on campus… more on that in a later article.); my only concern was making sure my students were comfortable when they got to the next level of their career. The reason I taught and I do what I do is to better prepare students for the next step in their career and make sure they are comfortable with what they are going to face.

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Train Your Students on the Same Software Used by Professional Broadcast Crews
Teaching Resources, Production, Streaming Kreativ Alchemy Teaching Resources, Production, Streaming Kreativ Alchemy

Train Your Students on the Same Software Used by Professional Broadcast Crews

When student journalists lose the “student” predecessor, you want them to be as prepared as possible to take on the professional world of journalism. Ross Inception News Academic newsroom editorial system offers a scalable broadcast production system to schools that’s right on par with what professional broadcast crews use. Ross Video created an educationally-priced version of their pro system to give students the training they need for a seamless transition.

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