Great Opening Shots For Your Video Project (And Your Storyboard)
The human attention span is now shorter than a goldfish’s….about 6-8 seconds. And there’s a lot of stuff in the world trying to get our attention. Whether you’re making a short film or long video, it must compete to get it. Starting your project with a boring establishing shot was fine for last century, but not anymore. Good first shots are unique. Capture my attention. Compel me to watch. Don’t let me look away.

More Powerful Shot Design for Your Storyboard (like the pros do)
Sure, you can just wing it when you get on location but when you do that, you’re missing the opportunity to do something great

How to Know Which Shots to Use for My Storyboard
The ultimate power in filmmaking and cinematography is how shots and camera movement are able to affect us subconsciously. They can steer us toward reactions or understandings without us being aware it’s happening. Films of all genres, including documentaries, manipulate audience’s emotions through shot, camera movement and editing choices.