The Most Affordable RAW Cinema Camera
You may be asking yourself why is Stream Semester still talking about a mid-tier camera from 2012? We are going to let you in on one of the best-kept cinematography secrets of the last few years. The Canon EOS M, with the latest version of Magic Lantern, transforms this unassuming little camera into a fully capable cinema camera. It is on par with the Black Magic Pocket Cinema cameras in many regards with a little know-how. The best part is that you can get this camera for under $200.

Did We Just Find The Best Free Daw?
We have been on the search to find the perfect Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) for beginning audio engineers, musicians, filmmakers, and enthusiasts. The search is finally over. The software is called Waveform Free by Tracktion. This software has blown us away on so many levels. Let’s dive in and discover what makes this DAW our favorite program for recording and editing audio.

Don't Hold Back: The Only Camera You Need Is The One That's With You!
Waiting on expensive gear is just an excuse for you not to create when you have a very powerful tool in your hand. Telling a story in the 21st Century has never been more accessible! The films below were all shot on early models of iPhone with some simple lens setups.

What is Dogme 95 and Does It Still Matter?
Raising above all other film manifestos, the lasting effects of this infamous dogme can still be seen today. Dogme 95 was a manifesto brought forth by Lars Von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg. This Danish film movement based on a manifesto also known as the “Vows of Chastity” caused quite a stir in the filmmaking community.

3D Printing Camera Gear & Accessories
Camera gear and accessories have a tendency to break the bank. As a teacher or student, working within a small budget forces you to compromise on the type of gear you afford. When you’re working with a tight budget, you can 3D print camera gear and accessories instead!

How To Make the Fake Blood From The Evil Dead!
The Evil Dead is one of the best horror films of the 20th century. It is iconic, campy, and filled with blood. The 1981 American supernatural classic was written and directed by Sam Raimi and it stars the most famous B movie actor of all time --Bruce Campbell. If you are interested in making a short horror movie this is a great place to start. Bruce Campbell spills it all and shows us how to make his infamous fake blood that actually shows up well on camera.

Learn Easy Video Production and Streaming With This Free Book: The Unofficial Guide to vMix
Video production can have a steep learning curve for someone just getting started. With back-to-school in full swing, we know that teachers don’t have time to read a full guide to video production and streaming. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a concise solution to streamline your video production and streaming efforts so you can quickly get up and running creating content? Well, we have found it!

Why School Newsrooms Are Moving To PTZ Workflows
A school tv-station needs to reflect and emulate real-world studios in an effort to realistically prepare students for the workforce. Since the late 1990s, there has been an upswing of PTZ camera-based newsrooms popping up all over the world. Following suit, schools have also been switching to PTZ workflows. PTZ-based school newsrooms offer high-quality video, use the same technology as the professionals, and increase consistency and efficiency.

Three Steps To Starting Your School’s Radio Station
School radio creates one of the most interesting communities a student can find around campus. From the cool parties, music appreciation, and development of soft-skills, to the excitement and thrills that come with live air production, the radio is a very important outlet for students.

Unboxing SmallHD Focus 5" On-Camera Monitor
Watch as Stream Semester Unboxes the SmallHD Focus 5" On-Camera Monitor and walks you through the details for educators and student filmmakers. Let us know in the comments what you think of the monitor! We love it!

Top Free Browser-Based Audio Editors and DAWs
If you are new to the world of audio editing and want to get your feet wet, here are four free browser-based digital audio workstations (DAWS) and four simple audio editors to try. If you are working on a video project that needs music or you want to further manipulate audio for an effect, these editors will make the process super easy. The benefit of using a browser-based editor is that you can edit a project on the go, at home, at school, and with a Mac, a Windows computer, or a Chromebook. There aren't too many limitations, and it is a great way to learn the basics so you can later choose a more professional DAW later.

Middle School Teacher Keeps His School’s Newscast Alive Remotely
Happy Valley Middle School’s Media Arts teacher Steve Oliver was quick to act when his school switched to the online model during the COVID-19 crisis. He runs the school newscast to help lift the spirits of his school’s community. With the help of teachers, he has successfully increased viewership, engaged fellow teachers and students, and provided a therapeutic outlet for himself and others. It is not too often that middle schools offer a media arts program let alone have a news cast. Stream Semester spoke with Steve about his unique middle school news cast.

Free Video Editing Software for Students
While your school computers might have the same video editing software like the pros, students don’t have the same access at home. Some students don’t even have computers. But that shouldn’t stop you from editing your films and newscasts remotely. We gathered our favorite free video editing programs for your computers and phones.

COVID-19 Impact on Schools - Statistics
At least 120,169 schools out of a total of 124,058 (97%) are closed. This represents 98.73% of the entire K12 student population. Check out these other statistics to learn how COVID-19 is impacting schools nationwide.

What Bitrate and Resolution are Best?
The higher the resolution and bitrate, the higher the video quality - right? Not exactly. What happens if you’re watching a video online and it starts buffering? You probably close the window. So there’s nothing stopping someone from doing the same thing to you if your video quality is poor.