Coffee, Tea, or Earbuds?
Half the job of an editor is working with sound. If you have students editing in a computer lab, you are probably having them use headphones when they are at their computer. We decided to eliminate the over-the-ear cans that students were sharing (yuck) and opted for earbuds.
10 Tips for Telling a Story Without Video
With radio, however, there’s an entire spectrum of opportunity which eliminates the need for—and expense of—costumes, makeup, props, backdrops, lighting, and special effects. In fact, you could launch an entire podcast series with a few friends in your kitchen or basement and your listeners would be none the wiser.
Three Steps To Starting Your School’s Radio Station
School radio creates one of the most interesting communities a student can find around campus. From the cool parties, music appreciation, and development of soft-skills, to the excitement and thrills that come with live air production, the radio is a very important outlet for students.
Capturing Audio for Classroom Streaming
Presenting classes online is becoming more common every year. Streaming video of the instructor is quite easy, and using a wireless mic provides great audio from the instructor. In addition, it is rather straight forward to add a second camera to capture video of the students. The challenge, however, is to capture audio of student questions and interaction.
What Video Production Careers Can I Get?
As a Video Production educator I often am asked, “How can I make money doing this?” That is a great question and worthy of an answer. Often times when people think of careers in Video Production their focus is narrowed into a small corner of the industry. In actuality there exists a wide gamut of jobs that are viable and realistic career options for those that wish to pursue them. This short article will list some of these options and hopefully pursue them in greater detail in the future.
Sound Effects Activity
Here is a sound-only activity that students can assemble and learn about storytelling through sound along with the basics of sound design, editing, and mixing. The idea is to tell a 1-minute story using only sound effects. For the best results, don't let them use any human voice, i.e. no recognizable words. The project is all about sound effects and how they can be used to convey a coherent story.
Why We Need Sound Effects
The mistake many beginning filmmakers make is that they assume the microphone used on the set to record the dialog will automatically pick up the other sounds heard on set. It’s not until they get to the editing stage that they realize how wrong they were. The microphones used on sets are primarily focused on the mouth of the person speaking. This reduces the amount of natural sound that occurs around the actor during the shot, such as footsteps and other movements.
Crash Course for Mixing Sound - Part 1
There are two indisputable rules to follow when mixing sound. When these rules are followed, you are guaranteed to have a mix that will seem flawless to your audience and keep them focused on the story rather than the technical aspects of the production. If your mix strays from these rules, stop what you are doing and start over again!