Ross Video To Put The Professional In Professional Development

I have to admit that I was completely devastated the day NAB 2020 was canceled. It really is a highlight of my year. It’s my only real chance to get a Fat Burger - seriously, I get more excited about that than I probably should. 

The only good thing to come from the cancellation of NAB has been the industry’s eagerness to step up and bring that same power and excitement to the market during this time that it’s really needed. 

Ross Video announced yesterday that they are going to do a 10-week “TechTalk” series. The series will feature presentations, videos, and webinars announcing their latest launches and much more. CEO David Ross said in their release - and I can certainly echo that Ross is known to - “commit a huge amount of effort to the show and always have an incredible number of announcements.” 

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The Ross space at NAB is huge, almost indescribably huge. There are literally dozens of different stations helping you see and decide on the solution that’s right for what you need. 

The 10 weeks of presentations come at a time where I believe the industry and educators can use it the most. This seems to be the middle of the storm and with the next month of quarantine looming, having something like this each week to look forward to is a breath of fresh air. 

The full schedule is to come in the next couple of days and I look forward to seeing what they push out in terms of content as well as announcements. New Products. New Workflows. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter to make sure you’re in the loop when the full schedule is released.

Meet the Author, Tom White

Tom White is the digital media instructor at Morgan County High School in Madison, GA. Currently teaching TV production and animation pathways, Tom's programs have received state and national honors including the 2016 NFHS Network School Broadcast Program Of The Year.

Prior to teaching, Tom was a marketing, promotions, and online content director for a major radio corporation in Atlanta. Tom studied exercise science at High Point University prior to his radio career. Despite his winding career path, his mother still thinks he is special.


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