Media Kit

Stream Semester Will Help you reach the next generation of filmmakers, producers, streamers, and gearheads.

Our site is trusted by aspiring Video Production education professionals, their students, and industry representatives around the nation. Let us connect you.

Contributed ArticlesContribute an article that helps our readers hone their craft and ties in your solutions. Refer to the editorial calendar below for this month’s theme.$50 / article

Title Sponsor

Build your brand with video production educators and students with this all encompassing package:

  • Prime placement on

  • Inclusion in a minimum of 6 email blasts.

  • Extensive social media branding.

  • Receive up to Three product reviews/commentaries on

  • Title Sponsor mentions on the Teaching To The Test Pattern Podcast.

$4,500 / 6-Months

Gear ReviewsLoan your gear to one of our video production contributors, teachers, or student filmmakers to demo and write a review for the website. $100 / review

Gear Reviews

Loan or give your gear to one of our video production contributors, teachers, or student filmmakers to demo and write a review for the website.

  • Review posted on

  • Minimum of Two social media posts

$500 / review (trade for equipment or service may be available on a case by case basis)

Email BlastsSend an email about your latest campaign to our list of film students and teachers. Our open rate is more than double the industry average, guaranteeing your brand valuable exposure.$100 / email

Email Blasts

Let us send an email about your latest product or campaign to our list of film students and teachers. Our open rate is more than double the industry average, guaranteeing your brand valuable exposure.

$1,000 / email

(Content Team Approval Required)

Unboxing VideosGive readers a close-up look at your product and key product information with this video package. Each video will live on our YouTube channel, website, and be sent as an email blast.$300 / video

Podcast Sponsor

Give listeners the latest from your company with sponsorship reads in the Teaching To The Test Pattern Podcast. Teaching To The Test Pattern releases up to Four episodes each month and the podcast sponsor will receive an open and close read as well as a read during the episode.

$2,500 / quarter

Reach Beyond Film School

Stream Semester connects you to the education market, but your product has so much more potential. Kreativ Alchemy offers marketing campaign creation, graphic design, video animation, and copywriting services to Stream Semester partners at highly discounted rates.