Sophomore Slump: 2020 Vision
Teaching Resources Tom White Teaching Resources Tom White

Sophomore Slump: 2020 Vision

2020 Vision is going to be the most cliche thing of the year. That and the “roaring 20’s.” I want to share my vision for 2020, which is to inspire something in you. My goals are not for everyone. I don’t know that I would even call these goals. I hope that I make progress in building my program. That’s it. I want to build my program. The plan is the key…

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Sophomore Slump: Wait! What?
Teaching Resources Tom White Teaching Resources Tom White

Sophomore Slump: Wait! What?

Here’s the deal. This semester, I had less than 20 students total. Before you go all “I have 348 kids in each class and only have 1 chair and 2 8mm cameras,” I am building a new program. Last year, I am fairly certain I had the highest failure rate in the southeast United States. When you have that, it’s hard to come back the next year and have a huge class load and still have kids progress through the system.

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Sophomore Slump - It’s Happening
Teaching Resources, Streaming Tom White Teaching Resources, Streaming Tom White

Sophomore Slump - It’s Happening

Reflecting on the last 6 weeks, I realized that I made a major mistake in how I was running my live productions this year. Last year was our first year and I knew we would be taking it kind of slow. But last year was great! We did a ton of shows… a ton of GREAT shows. Multiple cameras, great audio, the whole sha-bang. So this year, I came in with the same approach… BAD idea.

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Sophomore Slump - The Beginning
Teaching Resources Tom White Teaching Resources Tom White

Sophomore Slump - The Beginning

Last year, we produced over 120 newscasts and over 130 live sports broadcasts. We received a ton of support from the community via social media and brought home a couple of awards from the NFHS Network. A colleague called us the “Rookies of the year” for bringing home the “Best New Program” honor and I called us lucky for bringing home the best highlight. Now that the new school year has started, I have a new concern… how do I follow last year? What can I do to continue to build the program and take it to new heights?

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