New Kid in School - Turning in My New Kid Card
Teaching Resources Tom White Teaching Resources Tom White

New Kid in School - Turning in My New Kid Card

We did a ton of really cool things. Invented new segments - Word On The Street Wednesday being the most memorable. We had some failures (The Tiger Wood vs. Santa Clause Joke that somehow made it through my review of the script). Overall though, I would say that the first year of the program was more than a success. We won NFHS Network Best New Program and Highlight of the Year but more importantly to me was that we won the hearts, minds, and imaginations of a new batch of students who had never experienced a video production class.

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New Kid in School - Month 10 of 10
Teaching Resources Tom White Teaching Resources Tom White

New Kid in School - Month 10 of 10

It’s all over. As of the 24th of May, the 2018-2019 school year was over for me. Graduation began at 8 pm and was over by 10 pm. It’s all over… So what’s next? Reflection and Preparation. What a year. Over 120 live sporting events. Over 120 newscasts. Hundreds of hours in the classroom. Hundreds of miles on the car. But it was all worth it when we got to place the first foundation stone.

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