How Maple Elementary Live Streams Morning Announcements for FREE
Teaching Resources, Streaming Guest Contributor Teaching Resources, Streaming Guest Contributor

How Maple Elementary Live Streams Morning Announcements for FREE

Morning announcements during our adolescent years involved listening to an intercom, or at best, getting to see a pre-recorded video on our classrooms’ CRT TVs every morning. But today’s students get to experience morning announcements in a truly live and high-quality setting. For the K-6 students at Maple Elementary in Smithville, MO, this comes in the form of live streaming.

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How to Format Your Announcement Show
Teaching Resources, Filmmaking Guest Contributor Teaching Resources, Filmmaking Guest Contributor

How to Format Your Announcement Show

Everyone has different requirements for school announcements that are set up by the Principal, school needs and class schedule but many teachers want some ideas about the content, the order and elements that could help the show be professional and entertaining for the student body. I have a few tips with variations that could help you get a show off the ground for the first time or give you some new ideas if you are an old pro.

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