What is Phantom Power?
Paul Terpstra Paul Terpstra

What is Phantom Power?

Did you know that many microphones require a power source, just like your toaster?  In addition, there are two different requirements depending on which microphone you are using, Phantom Power or Plugin Power.  That can be confusing!

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Sound Shark Attacks In-Game Audio
Streaming Tom White Streaming Tom White

Sound Shark Attacks In-Game Audio

The Sound Shark is the smallest parabolic microphone I have ever seen. It will actually work with the shoe mount on the camera and not blow out the balance on a tripod. Most people are aware of parabolic mics as the ones “that those guys use on the sidelines at football games.” This is the portable, easy to use version of the same technology. Parabolic mics “aim” soundwaves toward a small microphone built into the device.

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