The Missing Link for Great Sports Coverage
Streaming Tom White Streaming Tom White

The Missing Link for Great Sports Coverage

The Sportscaster has allowed me to not only get better audio via the simple application but allows me to coach my students while they are in the moment. Instead of having to do tape sessions a day or so after the excitement of the broadcast has worn off, I can help guide them live. It allows me to have a real producer when we do a show. The producer can help the talent through the broadcast by giving stats, forecasting upcoming storylines, etc.

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Henry Engineering Sportscaster Review
Streaming Guest Contributor Streaming Guest Contributor

Henry Engineering Sportscaster Review

The SportsCaster is a specialized mixer and audio controller. It mixes the mics (and other sources), but it also creates the different headphone mixes I need for the broadcast team. And it gives me a “three-button Intercom” so I can selectively communicate with the announcers, the field reporter, and the camera ops.

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