Stock Footage for Free

We recently received an online ad for stock footage at an amazingly low price: FREE! Being somewhat skeptical, we ordered one of City Skylines for use when we take the School Video News Broadcast Center on the road and want an interesting establishing shot. We were so impressed that we went back and bought the complete set, all for the price of the shipping! is a website dedicated to providing completely free stock footage from around the world that can be downloaded instantly and incorporated into any type of video editing project–personal or commercial.

The website is owned and operated by Footage Firm, and all of the clips available were created exclusively as stock footage to be given away. Registered users may use the footage freely and legally in their own projects, royalty free.

A release form is available for download.

All of the free stock footage available on the site was shot digitally using professional 3 chip cameras and fluid head tripods, then captured digitally by firewire to maintain complete digital, broadcast quality.

Their footage is in American standard NTSC format and has the following specs:

Standard Definition Footage:

Size: 720×480 pixels (4:3)
Codec: DV AVI (5:1 compression)
Frame rate: 29.97 frames-per-second

High Definition Footage:

Size: 1920×1080 pixels (16:9)
Codec: Photo-JPEG QuickTime, High Quality
Frame rate: 29.97 frames-per-second


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