Make Online Learning Easier With This Free Book: Technology Tools for Online Education
In the next few years, education will continue to undergo rapid change. Given the sudden transition to distance learning, teachers and students alike have found it hard to adjust to the new learning environment and all of the technology that goes along with it.
With teaching requirements and tools constantly changing, teachers need to stay up to date with the best practices on how to connect and engage students online. To help everyone out, PTZ Optics’ Paul Richards created a blended online learning course and written a book called Technology Tools for Online Education. In the book, he maps out best practices and how to harness the power of your smartphone, leverage the cloud, and better connect with students using online tools.
You can use this tool as a reference guide to better engage with students of all grade levels. There are also fun exercises to help hone your newfound skills. You will learn how to:
How to create educational videos for online learning
How to use popular technology tools for online learning
Planning out a virtual classroom
Creating content for learning management systems
This new book and course are ideal for educators who want to create engaging content for their online learning courses. Administrators will be able to learn about educational and instructional technology to help guide their co-workers.
Paul covers simple technology commonly used in blended learning environments and flipped classrooms. For instance, you will learn video skills, how to edit photos, and how to further manipulate digital media to better engage students.
Don’t forget that PTZ Optics is also the brain behind the HuddleCamHD Pro, which is perfect for delivering online lessons in 4K resolution. Between the book, course, and camera tools, PTZ Optics has you fully prepared to take on whatever challenges education throws your way this year.
Whether it is online or in-person, the classroom should be interactive and enjoyable. These tools will allow you to create lessons that leverage the powers of the internet to give students a better virtual learning experience.
Where to Find Technology Tools for Online Education
On August 10, 11, and 12, Technology Tools for Online Education is available for free on Amazon, and you can also access the accompanying online course for free. The PDF copy of the book is always free!
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Udemy Course - link
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