Lesson Plan - Interviewing

Think about the times when you have watched a news report, seen a film, or viewed a television show.

Each form of media tells a story and each of these stories contain characters. Whether these are fictional characters or real people, every great story has characters.

In this mini-lesson, your students will work on their interviewing skills, and possibly move away from the question and answer interrogation, to a conversation in which their character tells stories from which great soundbites are born.


Capturing interviews will guide your path to telling a successful story for a news package. Being able to have your characters open up on camera and share their insight, will be paramount in telling your story. The only way to become better at interviewing is to practice, practice and practice.

The Mini-Lesson

1. To begin, you will need an iOS device or MacBook to access my Multi-Touch book Interview an Expert. The basics of interview with a device and without any accessories are covered. In addition, a number of practice exercises are included.

2. For a more advanced interviewing Multi-Touch book, download the Art of the Interview by Michael Hernandez.

3. Watch this interviewing tutorial from the PBS Student Reporting Labs. Gil Garcia and his students do a wonderful job of explaining all of the details to capture a quality interview.

4. Watch Tips on shooting an interview with one camera from lynda.com.


The PBS Student Reporting Labs have also created a fabulous lesson you could follow, Interviewing: The Art of Asking Questions.


1. Grab a camera, tripod, microphone and media to record. Make sure to test your equipment before you leave class.
2. Find a partner in class to interview. Implement the “tell me…” approach to interviews you have now learned and cover the following topics:
a. Say your name and spell it
b. Tell me about yourself
c. Tell me about the class you are currently in
d. Tell me three things you are hoping to learn from this interview project

Then, switch spots with your partner and become the interviewee.


By practicing the interview process, taking into account location, light and sound, while also moving away from a question and answer interrogation, to a more conversational approach, you will begin to offer your viewers more powerful stories.

Meet the Author, Don Goble

Don Goble is an award-winning Broadcast Technology, Film and Multimedia Instructor at Ladue Horton Watkins High School in St. Louis, Missouri. The Journalism Education Association named Don as their Broadcast Adviser of the Year 2015. Don speaks nationally at conferences and conventions, offering educators innovative ways to incorporate video into the classroom. Don advocates for technology and digital media in the classroom by blogging for national education publications, by offering professional development to schools all over the country, and by serving as a media creator himself. Don was a part of the 2011 Apple Distinguished Educator class.

Connect with Don on Twitter @dgoble2001 or email goblemedia@gmail.com


Piracy in Education


Interviewing Tactics and Techniques