How to Write a Live Stream People Actually Want to Watch

As smart devices and high-speed bandwidth slowly become commonplace, more and more people are interested in live streaming. Based on Find Stack, 67% of viewers say that quality is the most important factor when choosing which live stream. 87% also admit to watching live streams because they like to get a behind-the-scenes insight about their favorite content creators. Writing a live stream script that people will want to watch is a matter of practice and know who you want to become as a streamer. Let’s cover some tips and tricks to get you started.

Write Down Your Short and Long-Term Streaming Goals

You’ve decided to become a live streamer – that’s great! What kind of a streamer do you want to be and in which industry? Are you a gamer, a musician, or a movie critic? What types of content do you want to share with people online? Knowing your goals before diving into live streaming is very important. Simply turning on your camera and hoping for the best likely won’t engage the audience. Use SMART to outline several objective goals beforehand.

Consider the Types of Livestreams to Specialize In

Once you decide on which industry your live streams will fit into, you should also think about content diversity. Gaming streamers are in a unique position where they can simply play games to keep the audience engaged. However, even they have to diversify the types of games they play to keep things interesting. Here are a few live streaming content types which you can dabble into:

  • Storytelling live streams

  • Interviews with streamers, influencers, and industry experts

  • Product and sponsorship promotion

  • Quizzes, giveaways, and contests for the audience

  • Educational webinars

  • Behind-the-scenes content (video editing, studio showcase, etc.)

Break Down your Livestream Script Before Going Online

While you cannot predict everything that may happen during a live stream, you can prepare by writing a script of the things you want to cover. Writing a simple to-do list or a script of talking points you want to address during the live stream can make interacting with people online easier. 

Use your discretion as to how strictly you will adhere to the script when you go online – sometimes it’s best to improvise on the spot. You can rely on WritersPerHour if you need help rewriting or editing your live stream script to make sure that you are prepared. Combine your writing skills with a helpful tool online and your live stream audience will find the stream that much more engaging.

Adapt Your Livestream Writing to the Streaming Platform

Thankfully, you are not limited to a single platform when it comes to streaming. This means that you can adapt your writing style, equipment, and delivery to whichever platform you choose to stream on. The most popular choices for live streaming as of 2021 include but are not limited to:

  • Twitch

  • TikTok

  • YouTube

  • Vimeo

Some platforms cater more to gamers while others lean toward artists, meme creators, and other forms of interactive content. If one platform doesn’t suit your needs, look elsewhere until you find the one that clicks for you.

Write a Series of Questions and Conversation Starters

Another way to write a live stream which people will enjoy tuning into is to create a series of questions and ice breakers for the audience. Grab a pen-and-paper and outline a list of things you’d like to discuss with the people who watch your live stream. Some of the questions you can write include:

  • What do you (the audience) think of my streams so far?

  • What is your opinion on the topic we are covering now?

  • What would you like to see from me in the future?

  • Any streaming tips you want to share with me?

  • What should I do more of, and less of, going forward?

Build a Consistent Live Streaming Schedule

You’d be surprised as to how short people’s attention spans are when it comes to online content. Streaming your content sporadically and without a planned schedule won’t help you build an audience. Instead, post your streaming schedule on your blog, social media, or whichever platform you decided to stream. 

Consistency is very important for live streams, and you will quickly grow accustomed to your new schedule. Moreover, people will come back for more of your content over time organically by remembering to tune in on specific days.

Be Yourself and Create a Brand of Your Own

What most people fail to grasp with regard to streaming is that you have to build an original persona to succeed. Streaming giants such as Ninja and Shroud haven’t risen to prominence by hiding their identities or by copying what other people do. Place yourself front and center when you write your live stream script and plan out your goals.

Build a streaming brand around your personality and affinities when it comes to topics you want to cover. With some luck, your writing efforts will spark interest enough to make your live streams go viral and attract more people.

Meet the Author, Jessica Fender

Jessica Fender is a copywriter and blogger at Writeload with a background in marketing and sales. She enjoys sharing her experience with like-minded professionals who aim to provide customers with high-quality services.


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