Learn Motion Design and Expressions in Adobe After Effects

Ever heard of the 12 principles of animation or animation basics? Yes? No? Not sure? No worries, that’s what I dive into, in my tutorials! On top of showing how I create keyframe-based animation, I love developing expressions-driven animation, like motion graphics templates. 

File structures, naming conventions, workflow… so boring, right? But it’s actually my specialty to set up projects efficiently so that the animation process goes even more smoothly and at lightspeed. 

Adobe After Effects Crash Course

Note from the editor: Make sure you subscribe to Sonja’s YouTube channel for tons of Adobe After Effects and Motion Design tutorials. Linked below are a few that we think would be most helpful to beginners.

Meet the Author, Sonja Geracsek

Sonja is a Motion Designer and Online Animation Teacher. She educates the internet with entertaining videos; helps brands connect with their audiences through quirky motion graphics and teaches the art of animation. If you spend any time on YouTube, you might have come across her work.

On her YouTube channel Sonja experiments with expressions infused animation, develops drawing and illustration skills, and edits audio and video content through live streams and tutorials.


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